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The Munsell Color System

A Practical Description With Suggestions for Its Use

by T. M. Cleland

List of reference material along with the original and current copyright information.


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We hope you enjoyed our revision of this color book. We are happy to bring it to you. We could only do so because the original is in the public domain.


This revision is not in the public domain and, therefore, cannot be copied. We have spent considerable time enhancing the illustrations and editing the book. Do, however, feel free to link to this material.

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Continue on to Chapter 1 - Color Hue


Forward Chap 1, Hue Chap 2, Value Chap 3, Chroma Chap 4, Color Wheel Chap 5, Complementaries Chap 6, Color Balance Chap 7, Color Combinations App 1 Summary and Usage App 2 Usage Examples App 3 Hue Nomenclature About This Book

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